Psalms 119:133 Order my steps in Your Word; and do not let any iniquity rule over me.
Bible Reading for April 24 (ONPP)
I Samuel 25 – 28, Psalms 98
I Samuel 25:3 – This man acts just as the meaning of his name, Nabal – dolt, wicked, fool.
I Samuel 25:11 – Nabal. There is an army of six hundred men out there. Don’t make them angry. You will not like it if they are angry.
I Samuel 25:21 – David! You have just given Saul good for evil why not be just as merciful to this man.
I Samuel 25:23 – Repentance of misdeeds are effective to man and to God! From the new heart of repentance comes the security of faith.
I Samuel 25:30 – Is it now well known that David will be the next king.
I Samuel 25:33 – A person that diverts us from the path of sin is a blessing! This shows David’s heart was not hardened toward Nabel but very open to God’s precepts.
I Samuel 25:39 – Vengeance is God’s and His alone. We do not sin against other people for sin is against God only. He made us for a purpose and to deviate from that purpose is sin.
I Samuel 27:1 – David ties to escape to the Philistines to be safe from Saul, Abram escapes famine into Egypt, Jacob escapes famine into Egypt, and Moses escapes a murder charge into Midian. Why does man leave the place that God has set for him to find a “safer” place to live? These paths chosen by these men are not ignored by God but He still directs their steps.
I Samuel 27:4 – Saul had been chasing David instead of chasing Philistines. If he had been chasing Philistines then he might have whittled them down to a size that they would have left.
I Samuel 27:8 – Finally someone is going in and opening up the land that God had given them when Joshua came in. This is representative of our lives when we put our trust in God’s plan for redemption. When we don’t chase out all the sin in our life we leave ourselves open to attack in those areas.
I Samuel 28:13 – A man of God would not come up from the ground, he would be in Heaven with the Lord.
God permitted the devil, to answer the request, to put on Samuel’s shape, that those who would not receive the love of the truth might be given up to strong delusions and believe a lie. That the devil, by the divine permission, should be able to personate Samuel is not strange, since he can transform himself into an angel of light! Nor is it strange that he should be permitted to do it upon this occasion, that Saul might be driven to despair, by inquiring of the devil, since he had not gotten an answer when he went to enquire of the Lord. Saul, being told of gods ascending, was eager to know what was the form of this deity, and in what shape he appeared, so far was he from conceiving any horror at it, his heart being wretchedly hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. (Matthew Henry’s Commentary)
Psalms 98:1 – Yes! All glory be to God! To praise Him is a glorious thing!
Psalms 98:3 – God has never forgotten Israel but was preparing the place for the right time. Man’s view is that God forgets him but it is man that forgets God.
Psalms 98:9 – God does not take into account a person’s social, status or background but judges by His law. There is more to God’s law than the commandments; there is the belief and trust in His Word.
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