Psalms 119:27 Make me to understand the way of Your Commandments, and I will speak of Your wonderful works.
Bible Reading for August 12 (ONPP)
Galatians 4 - 6, Psalms 42
Let the one
who is taught
the word
share all
good things
with the one
who teaches.
Galatians 4:9 – How easy it is to turn back to our old nature as the Israelites did from Exodus through the rest of their history. But returning to the slop is not glorifying to God or ourselves.
Galatians 4:10 – What would Paul say about Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Independance Day, Labor Day, or any of the rest?
Galatians 4:15 – This gives scholars the impression that the thorn in the flesh of Paul was his eyesight. Even though Paul could not see the world well he could see the scriptures and the Spirit with greater clarity.
Galatians 4:17 – These enemy are trying to flatter you so that you may follow them and not God given scripture.
Galatians 4:18 – Don't be shut out by men that only want to hear the world. Be salt, doing good works by faith, not expecting any reward and be light showing God's true path to all that are around you, praying for God to grant them the merciful faith that you have.
Galatians 4:20 – Paul wanted to change his doubt in the Galatians faith to joy by seeing their change himself.
Galatians 4:21–23 – Paul traces the promise of a fruitful nation of descendants and redemption back to Abraham who without an heir took Hagar a slave woman to bear a child of his own works not of God's grace. This child Ishmael is of works, was born of a slave and thus into slavery of the law. God's plan was for Sara to have a child, Isaac, born by His grace, born of the free woman and is free from the law to live by faith. David Light Sermon
Galatians 4:24–25 – The two covenants one to Abraham of grace and the other at Mt Sinai of the Law. Isaac was of freedom and grace but Ishmael was of bondage under the Law just as Jerusalem is.
Galatians 4:26 – Freedom comes from above as Jesus came and made the payment for sin that He did not owe.
Galatians 4:27 – How can a desolate woman have children? By adoption!
Galatians 4:29 – Ishmael and his descendants began to persecute Isaac and his descendants when Isaac was weaned from Sara's care. This has continued through today in that the world that would stay under the Law persecutes the people of God that have chosen to be under grace.
Galatians 4:30 – We are not children of works and slavery to the Law but are free born of the spirit to grace.
Galatians 5:2 – Paul refers to where you put your trust in your works or heritage or in the work of God through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus the Christ.
Galatians 5:4 – Job was also trying to justify himself in Job chapter 31.
Galatians 5:9 – Sin spreads and multiplies when allowed to enter.
Galatians 5:11 – Paul was referring to the time that he encouraged Timothy to be circumcised as a Jew from his mother’s heritage so that he may be a minister to the Jews. Not for salvation but acceptance of those weak in the faith.
Galatians 5:12 – Basically Paul is saying that he hopes that those that are defending works would have nothing to do with these Galatian Christians that are saved by grace.
Galatians 5:22 – In the Garden of Eden there were trees from which to eat the fruit thereof. When we are saved we are given a "garden" to tend and produce the fruit of the spirit. The results of this production rely on how you tend the garden. Do you ignore the garden and allow weeds to grow and choke out the good fruit? Do you trample it down so that nothing can grow? Do you not tend the soil to remove the rocks that prevent deep roots? Or do you till the soil, remove the rocks, water and fertilize the garden with the Word so that these trees can bear fruit in your life.
There are people that try to build their own garden but they don't have the correct soil, water, and fertilizer to use. Their garden is shallow and does not produce flavorful fruit. It's not real fruit and tastes like plastic without nutritional value.
Galatians 6:6 – This encourages the teacher that his teaching is being used by God in you.
Psalms 42:1 – After a long drought of God's word in the life of the psalmist he is pining for the refreshing presence of His living water of the Word.
Psalms 42:8 – God is not commanding His angels in this, He is not commanding His wrath in this, He is commanding His loving–kindness. The comfort of our salvation is the aroma of life to us that trust God, but to those who deny Him, hate and fight against it because they do not understand the promise of life ,but they smell their end, the agony of Hell.
Psalms 42:11 – Even though we are in great despair, we need to keep true to God, and trust in His provision as Daniel did for 21 days in his prayers for the people of Israel. Daniel 10:11
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