Psalms 119:27 Make me to understand the way of Your Commandments, and I will speak of Your wonderful works.
Bible Reading for August 23 (ONPP)
Philippians 1 – 4, Psalms 51
Philippians 1:13 – Paul did not stop giving the gospel message even when he was imprisoned for giving it. He had given the gospel so much that the whole cohort of the guard knew of its content and the brothers in Rome were so much encouraged that they spoke more freely about God’s good works to others.
Philippians 1:15 – Some people were preaching to give themselves more notoriety among men, to draw others to follow them for their preaching, not giving God the credit for the people’s response but themselves.
Philippians 1:18 – We need to realize that even the one that preaches Christ for their own benefit is still preaching Christ and those that trust in Christ in simple faith do so by God’s grace as one that hears from another that preaches in love.
Philippians 1:28 – What can man do to you that believe in the gospel of Christ? Throw you in prison so you can evangelize the prisoners? Kill you so that you are then in the presence and comfort of God? No the worst they can do is to reward us for our silence or pile upon us wealth and recognition unrelated to the Gospel. That type of temptation, to be comforted by the world, draws away our desire to be comforted by God.
Philippians 2:4–7 – Even though Jesus had the authority and power of the devine creator He places himself in the position of being a servant to others and a substitution for our sentence of eternal death due to our sinful nature. In other words He loves you/me so much that he took upon Himself the punishment that was due to us. Putting others needs at a higher priority is how we should see our ministry.
Philippians 2:12 – Being obedient to Christ is not just for a church gathering but for a lifetime in that God is our watcher not man. This is also where Paul says to work out your salvation. This gives me the picture of having a garden and tending it to get out the best and maximum fruit. In fact tending the garden is exactly the job that Adam had.
Philippians 2:19 – Timothy was loyal to the Lord and was groomed by Paul, seeking only to glorify God and not himself.
Philippians 3:2 – Paul is saying to watch out for false teachers and those promoting circumcision that attempt to tear apart the church of Christ. While circumcision has no power to save but is a sign to the individual that a bloody sacrifice needs to be made for the payment of sin. This payment can be made by a person for their own sin resulting in eternal death or by one that has no need to make the payment, one that is sinless, Christ the Lord.
Exodus 4:25 And Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and threw it at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody husband you are to me.
Philippians 4:22 – Paul’s preaching was not sequestered from Caesar’s servants and like the guards many of them also believed.
Psalms 51:1 – It is better to walk honestly and follow God’s plan than to have to ask for forgiveness. It is better to ask forgiveness than to live unrepentant to God.
Psalms 51:4 – David took another man’s wife, had the man killed and has only sinned against God? God is the one that made the commandments that were broken no one else can be sinned against.
Psalms 51:5 – We have within ourselves from our conception the corrupt nature by which we shun God. This corrupt nature also entices us to fill the part of our lives that need God with things that we make more important than God in our lives.
Psalms 51:16 – Another reference to Samuel’s comments about Saul’s actions in the Amelikite battle but in a slightly different way.
Psalms 51:17 – We all need to go to God in this manner because we all have sinned through choice and our nature.
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