Psalms 119:133 Order my steps in Your Word; and do not let any iniquity rule over me.
Bible Reading for February 6 (ONPP)
Exodus 32 – 34, Psalms 32
Exodus 32:1 – What happened to “All the words which Jehovah has said, we will do.” Just forty days ago they promised this and now they want a handmade god? The breaking of the promise of the BIG IF has its downside and that is coming.
Exodus 32:11 – Because Moses did not leave God alone but prayed earnestly that the people would be forgiven God did not destroy the people and make a nation out of Moses. Did God change? No there was a condition; God was revealing how Moses felt about the people and about God. I doubt that I could do that.
Exo 32:14 – The word translated “repent” means to sigh, pity, comfort (self), or also repent but not turn.
Exodus 32:24 – Liar, Liar
Exodus 32:27 – Evidently not all of the people were a part of this wild party but it did bring on the downside of offending God.
Exodus 32:33 – God does not hold the guiltless responsible for the guilty. Even if both perish in the same event those that Trust in God and follow through His Word are kept in the Book of Life while the guilty are blotted out. God will not hold David’s first son with Bathsheba responsible for David’s sin. David does say that he will be able to go to his son in the end.
Exodus 32:35 – God knows who is guilty and takes measures to defend His Word that the people agreed to obey.
Exodus 33:7 – The Tabernacle was set up outside the camp to keep the stiff–necked people safe from the Holy presence of God.
Exodus 33:13 – The ways of God are confusing to those that do not know Him. Moses is asking God to reveal to him how to lead this group of people. For us to understand or follow God’s guidance we also need to ask Him to reveal to us His ways also.
Exodus 33:14 – That is essentially the same thing that Jesus said to His disciples before His ascension. “…I am with you all the days until the end of the world.” (Matthew 28:20) God has not changed His ways.
Exodus 33:16 – Jehovah sets Israel apart from all other people by having evidence of His presence with them.
Exodus 33:19 – God makes His own choice about who He bestows mercy. To read this is His way of approaching you with His mercy that you may choose to accept it.
Exodus 34:6 – God could have come down and wiped the people out but here He shows mercy and grace. The people deserved to die because of their sinful nature and rejection of God but God knows that all the peoples’ sinfulness is not fulfilled as the Amorites is about to be. (Gen 15:16)
Exodus 34:7 – Yes, your actions do determine how your children are raised and taught and that learning is passed down from generation to generation.
Exodus 34:10 – This is not a new covenant but just a revealed part of God’s plan that is new to the world.
Exodus 34:15–16 – Don’t tell me that God does not know what is about happen. This is exactly what Israel will do because their hearts are not turned toward God.
Exodus 34:26 – As in Exodus 23:19 – God has a sense of humor! The Jews have made this a reason to not eat meat and milk together. In Genesis 18:8, Abraham gave the LORD milk, butter, and meat in the same meal without any sign of division!
Exodus 34:29 – Even though Moses had not seen God’s face God’s presence nearby was still reflecting from him as he went down to minister to Israel.
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