Psalms 119:133 Order my steps in Your Word; and do not let any iniquity rule over me.
Bible Reading for January 2 (ONPP)
Genesis 5 – 7, Proverbs 1
Genesis 5:5 – Adam lived for 930 years or until 56 years after Lamech (Noah’s father) was born.
Genesis 5:22 – Methuselah was born when Adam was 687 years old and lived until the year of the flood.
Genesis 5:29 – Only two of Noah’s nine male progenitors had died before Noah was born.
Genesis 5:32 – At the time of the birth of these three sons of Noah only Methuselah (869 years old) and Noah (500 years old) were alive to retell the history of the creation.
Genesis 6:3 – Evidently this was 20 years before the birth of Shem, Ham and Japtheth.
Genesis 6:6 – The word repent (Hebrew – nâcham) can mean to be sorry, rue, or avenge (as in I Samuel 15:29) but the proper use is to sigh or to pity.
Genesis 6:8 – God’s plan for redemption has not changed. We still need a redeemer that does not have to be redeemed himself. We are all sons of Adam and have received the curse of his sin of disobeying God.
Genesis 7:16 – Noah did not shut people out. God shut the door because the time had passed for redemption and protected Noah and his cargo.
Proverbs 1:19 – Thus Rehoboam did as he listened to those around him that were without wisdom and raised taxes upon the people thus causing the splitting of the nation.
Proverbs 1:22 – God calls us to seek understanding of His Word and not just live life as if wisdom does not exist.
Proverbs 1:23 – Wisdom is the faithful watchman on the wall calling out the warning to the people.
Proverbs 1:28 – When the people are in peril and have no understanding of God then thy will not know where to turn and follow blindly the path to destruction.
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