Psalms 119:27 Make me to understand the way of Your Commandments, and I will speak of Your wonderful works.
Bible Reading for July 20 (ONPP)
Job 30 – 32, Psalms 22
Job 30:9 – There are a lot of people that like to get on the bandwagon to trash someone when they fall on hard times or others speak against them. To spread a story without any supporting evidence is evil.
Job 31 – Job makes a list of his deeds that he weighs himself by and would expect retribution from God if he had done otherwise. God is sovereign, righteous, loving and GOD! Did not Job himself say “Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?” Job 2:10
Job 31:15 – Job feels that all men are created equal and are in the image of God. Job has respect for his “employees”
Job 31:35 – The Accuser of Job is Satan. But Satan did not accuse him of what he had done but of what Satan wanted him to do.
Job 32:1 – Yes, Job was righteous in his own eyes.
These further verses show that our own eyes are not reliable when comparing ourselves to righteousness.
Psalms 14:3 All have gone aside, together they are filthy; there is none who does good, no, not one.
Psalms 53:3 Every one has turned away; they have altogether become filthy; not one is doing good, no, not even one.
Romans 3:10 as it is written: “There is none righteous, no not one;
Job 32:4 – Elihu had respect for those that were more experienced than himself. But just because we are older does not mean that we are speaking in wisdom. We all are selfish and look on our “good” deeds as important.
Psalms 22:1 – This first verse is referenced in Matthew 27:46 as being fulfilled prophecy. – The first part of this chapter is a direct prophecy of The Christ and The Crucifixion.
Psalms 22:7–18 – A very good description of what happened to Jesus when he was crucified.
Psalms 22:8 – These words were recorded as being said about Jesus in Matthew 27:43
Psalms 22:18 – As recorded in Matthew 27:35.
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