Psalms 119:27 Make me to understand the way of Your Commandments, and I will speak of Your wonderful works.
Bible Reading for July 3 (ONPP)
Nehemiah 11 – 13, Psalms 8
Nehemiah 12:27 – Praising God with a marching band! Talk about a dedication ceremony. This thing was open to the public and well–advertised!
Nehemiah 12:43 – Can they hear you afar off when you praise and rejoice in God?
Nehemiah 13:1 – Again this alludes to being unequally yoked to someone of different faith. Even though Ruth was of Moab she had given herself to Jehovah when she came with Naomi.
Nehemiah 13:3 – There was also a mixed multitude that came out of Egypt.
Nehemiah 13:11 – It sure did not take these people long to forsake God and His precepts. As God told Noah “The heart of man is on evil from his youth.” But this is also a reminder to me that our leadership should be properly compensated.
Nehemiah 13:26 – Many would say that the Great King Solomon had wives from other peoples and God made him successful! That is not correct, the wives of Solomon drew him away from worshiping God and his son that followed him continuing down many generations.
Psalms 8:3–4 – The great majesty of God in contrast to the iniquity of the speck of man.
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