Psalms 119:133 Order my steps in Your Word; and do not let any iniquity rule over me.
Bible Reading for March 3 (ONPP)
Numbers 18 – 20, Psalms 53
Numbers 16:3 – Now some of the congregation is acting like Miriam and Aaron trying to take the leadership that God gave to Moses. Korah’s family was part of the Levites that were to carry the furniture of the tabernacle when the camp moved. There must be some record of what is being done and said during this timeframe because I almost forgot that Israel was to be a nation of priests to the world. Korah did not forget this statement and it built up a pride in himself to approach Moses to give up some leadership responsibilities. God had already provided for that when He called the 600 plus leaders of Israel to assist Moses in the administration of disputes and then the 70 that were eventually to become the Sanhedrin that God told Moses to assign the duties of bearing the burden of the people with him. Unless they think if they are more honorable than God’s choice of a murderer and coward.
Numbers 16:7 Don’t take the honor of which God has not given you.
Numbers 16:10 – The “church” needs workers as well as leaders. The priests weren’t to carry the furniture or materials. The priests weren’t to gather the wood for the sacrifice. These jobs to keep the tabernacle operating were to be done by the Levites. We the congregation of the church should not let the burden of maintenance fall on the priest but we may need guidance from the priest when something needs done.
Numbers 16:13 – Moses did not seize dominion, God placed him there.
Numbers 16:14 – Since it was Israel that refused to go into the land after the spies returned they are now trying to put the blame on Moses.
Numbers 16:24 – Now God gives us an example of removing ourselves from those that go against His direction by essentially putting them outside the camp.
Numbers 16:29 – God has given Moses a unique sign to show Israel that God choses the leadership He wants.
Numbers 16:30 – God can use natural occurrences to perform His will, but just think here. Korah and those aligned with him had pitched their tent in the exact places that the ground would open up at that time and swallow them. Or, God did a different miracle and opened the ground where they were.
Numbers 16:32 – This was not just a few or just the 250 that brought the complaint to Moses. This was them and their families that were with them. The sins of a man can have far reaching effects on his children and relatives. It is his testimony of the love of himself more than God that is highly contagious as Eve caught it and Adam caught it from her.
Numbers 16:35 – These 250 had brought strange fire unto God as Nadab and Abihu had, (Leviticus 10:1)
Numbers 16:41 – Evidently Korah had been campaigning through the camp for quite a while, raising dissatisfaction with the leadership God provided through Moses. The self–righteousness of the people didn’t take long to raise it’s ugly head after the example that was made of Korah. They even applied the power of God to Moses.
Numbers 16:49 – This massive death toll only reduced slightly the number dying daily during the forty years of wandering by one per day.
Numbers 17:2 – God shows the congregation again and again that He has chosen Moses and Aaron as the leaders of Israel.
Numbers 17:13 – The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If you are afraid of something that you must be around all the time then you need to study that thing ( in this case God’s ways) so that you wil not make a fatal move. Many people that have worked near potentially dangerous machines have become careless with the machines and have died because of their lack of knowledge about the machine or their narcissistic attitude.
Php 2:12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, cultivate your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Rom 8:15 For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption by which we cry, Abba, Father!
2Ti 1:7 For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Psalms 53:3 – In Isaiah it says we have turned to our own way but the Lord hath laid on Him (Jesus) (the scape goat) the iniquity of us all. Jesus is both the scape goat and the goat of sacrifice for our sin. Lev 16:6–10 How is that possible? He died for our sin and then was resurrected to take them away.
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