Psalms 119:133 Order my steps in Your Word; and do not let any iniquity rule over me.
Bible Reading for May 24 (ONPP)
Acts 8 – 10, Psalms 123
Acts 8:1 – This scattering under force was what Jesus had commanded them to do under choice. Acts 1:8b And you shall be witnesses to Me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
Acts 8:3 – It’s amazing that Saul was the tool that God used to spread the Gospel throughout the world both by being against it and then supporting it.
Acts 8:18 – Simon had learned his tricks from others and only had the understanding of the world and lusted after the acclaim that he had had before. He had believed in Jesus but was still a baby Christian with little understanding.
Acts 8:24 – After Peter’s rebuking words Simon feels the fear of the Lord and may begin to understand.
Acts 8:35 – The Gospel message begins in Genesis and is repeated throughout the Old and New Testaments.
Acts 9:5 – Saul, who was raised under the schooling of Gamaliel being taught the exactness of the Law, had been unknowingly fighting against the wisdom of the Law.
Ecclesiastes 12:11 The words of the wise are like goads; yes, their collected words are like nails driven home; they are given from one Shepherd.
Acts 9:6 – Saul had his eyes opened to understand the prophecy concerning Jesus and after this he was blind to the world.
Acts 9:7 – We may have the technology to emulate what God did to Saul and what the men heard with no one there but we cannot open the hearts of the wicked to God’s Grace. That can only be done by the Holy Spirit.
Acts 9:9 – This was a deeply “religious” experience for Saul but it was an introduction to a relationship from Christ.
Acts 9:15 – When does being a friend to someone become bad for us? If we were to be cut down for His glory, is He not faithful to receive what He has given to us? We are not to tempt God, but to follow His path for us.
Acts 9:18 – This is great! There were no tongues of fire, no rushing sound of the wind, yet the Holy Spirit came upon Saul.
Acts 9:22 – As Stephen confounded the leadership in Jerusalem, now Saul, who was among those that stoned Stephen, because of his education, leaves the synagogue leaders in Damascus without an argument against Jesus the Christ.
Acts 9:31 – First the church grew then spread out and now grows again. This is the pattern that we follow today.
Acts 9:35 – Not one but two towns where all the people, because of the witness of healing of a paralyzed man, turned to trust God’s provision through His Son Jesus Christ.
Acts 10:1 – Wow, I just realized that Dorcas and Joppa was so close in relationship to Cornelius.
Acts 10:3 – It would take a day for Cornelius’s servants prepare and God timing is always the perfect timing.
Acts 10:9 – It was noon, six hours after the servants started from Caesarea, and God gives Peter the vision of his next mission.
Acts 10:12 – As God told Noah in Genesis, Genesis 9:3 – Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herb.
Acts 10:15 – What God has made clean, we do not call common. If God made slugs and worms for us to eat or thieves and murders to witness to we are not to deny Him. How much more then should we encourage brothers that have lost their way to return to the path of Christ’s righteousness.
Acts 10:23 – Since the meal had been prepared and by the time they had fellowshipped together there was not time to reach Caesarea before nightfall. Peter also gathered six witnesses to go with him.
Acts 10:35 – Not just every nation but every individual regardless of nation. God did not send Peter to Rome but to Cornelius and those that came to hear.
Acts 10:37 – The word published (ginomai) has many similar definitions in Strong’s concordance. So the utterance (word) of the gospel of peace by Jesus Christ came to be or spread throughout Judea. I was wondering the difference between Word (logos) in the previous verse and word (rhẽma) in this verse.
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