Psalms 119:133 Order my steps in Your Word; and do not let any iniquity rule over me.
Bible Reading for May 3 (ONPP)
John 10 – 12, Psalms 105
John 10:1 – There is only one way into the sheepfold or Heaven and Jesus is that door.
John 10:4 – Christ goes ahead of us and prepares the way to fresh nutrition and refreshing water.
John 10:5 – When the sheep follow the shepherd they learn His ways and are not drawn away by strange voices. Sheep do have the nature to wander off by themselves and must be sought for.
John 10:15 – Jesus reveals that He must die to pay the debt my sin incurred.
John 10:16 – Salvation is not for the Jews only but is available to the whole world.
John 10:18 – Jesus was not killed by the Jews or the Romans but He allowed the punishment to take His life on the cross. There were several times before that the Pharisees want to kill Him before His time and He passed by without a mark.
John 10:20 – Some of the people attributed His miracles as works of a demon.
John 10:21 – But others were of an understanding heart and knew that a demon could not do these things.
John 10:24 – He told them He was form the Father, He equated Himself as God by calling Himself I AM, He performed miracles that none other had ever done and they still doubt.
John 10:28 – Security in the hand of Jesus.
John 10:29 – Security in the hand of God.
John 10:33 – This was their plan from the beginning in verse 24. They just wanted to have an excuse to remove the shepherd and take the sheep for themselves. Jesus did not allow them to harm Him at this time.
John 11:48 – These priests and Pharisees were worshiping the temple instead of God. If they had been worshiping God then they would have recognized the miracles that He performed. But they saw these miracles as a danger to the temple.
John 11:50 – The high priest is making a great prophecy. This meshes with God’s promise to Eve and David concerning their savior.
John 11:52 – Our writer, John, realized this when he gave us this record of Jesus’s life yet so many did not and do not to this day.
John 11:54 – Ephraim is north of Jerusalem in the area named after Joseph’s son Ephraim.
John 11:56 – Jesus was coming but the time for the Passover sacrifice had not come yet. The lamb of God was expected by the people and the priests but not for worship yet, the sacrifice must first be made so that our debt may be paid if we accept it.
John 12:23 – This is a turning point in Jesus’s ministry.
John 12:28 – Jesus testifies of Himself and God testifies of Him from Heaven with many witnesses.
John 12:31 – Satan will be cast out of this world!
John 12:37 – The many miracles and the voice of God from Heaven could not convince the people that Jesus was the Messiah. They were looking for a worldly leader not a servant leader.
John 12:38 – A prophecy fulfilled.
John 12:40 – A prophecy fulfilled.
John 12:43 – Afraid of being ostracized by the leaders from the temple and possibly from society.
Psalms 105:1 – We should continually declare His Glory also!
Psalms 105:23 – So Ham’s descendants are of Egypt.
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