Psalms 119:27 Make me to understand the way of Your Commandments, and I will speak of Your wonderful works.
Bible Reading for October 30 (ONPP)
Ezekiel 33 – 35, Psalms 110
Ezekiel 33:7 – Are we not also the watchmen to sound the alarm of the rejection of Christ, God’s only path to salvation?
Ezekiel 33:10–20 – God is ready to forgive someone that turns away from their sin to trust in His Grace, yet if the righteous one sins then all their righteousness is removed and is considered as one of the wicked ones. Romans 3:10 says “There are none righteous no not one.” We all must turn away from our rejection of Christ and trust in His Grace for salvation from the wrath of God’s punishment of our sinfulness.
Ezekiel 33:25 – God is saying that these in exile are ignoring His plan for Israel and Ignoring their purpose for being chosen. Why then should they live in the crossroads of the world if they cannot represent what God wants the world to know?
Ezekiel 33:27 – Jehovah is removing all the iniquity from the land as Israel was supposed to do 900 years before. Jehovah did not destroy Israel completely but kept a remnant that had been previously exiled and had turned their heart back to Him longing for worship in Jerusalem.
Ezekiel 34:11 – God will be the one to seek out His sheep (people) as the good shepherd does.
Ezekiel 34:16 – God does the seeking but we as watchmen need to blow the trumpet of warning so that the wicked may have a chance to turn to righteousness.
Ezekiel 34:23 – Some say that David will be the one that rules over Israel during the Millennium. I’m not convinced due to his absence in Revelation. Yet there is the Root of David and the Seed of David.
Ezekiel 34:25 – God does all the work to bring back His people to the land in peace and prosperity.
Ezekiel 35:3 – Mount Seir is a pseudonym for Edom where Esau went to live.
Psalms 110 – This shows a picture of Jesus during His Millennial Reign.
Psalms 110:1 – If the redeemer is a son of David why then does David call Him Lord? Because Jesus is the Son of God born by Mary a descendant of David.
Psalms 110:6 – The Lord has the right to judge because He gave the Law.
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