Psalms 119:27 Make me to understand the way of Your Commandments, and I will speak of Your wonderful works.
Bible Reading for September 21 (ONPP)
Jeremiah 13 – 15, Psalms 76
Jeremiah 13:4 – The Euphrates is over 300 miles from Jerusalem so Jeremiah had a long journey to make going there and back.
Jeremiah 13:6 – Jeremiah must now go back to the Euphrates to retrieve the girdle that he so carefully hid there.
Jeremiah 13:16 – God gives us a direction and a warning here, give God the Glory and not our own pride so that we will not turn to the path of destruction.
Jeremiah 13:22 – This question is made by many, Why?, Job was a good example. He honored God in his life till he “lost it all” and instead of honoring God he sat in his own pity crying out “Why?” until he heard the majesty and power of God’s voice that brought him into repentance. There is none righteous, no not one.
Jeremiah 15:1 – Moses, the one that God called to lead the people out of slavery and establish the priestly line through Aaron, and Samuel God called to bring the nation together and establish the kingly line through David.
Jeremiah 15:4 – One king is responsible for the failure of God’s people, but the people followed their own heart and not God.
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